Fidecum Contrarian Value Euroland Fund


Company acquisition instead of stock purchase

The fund´s name incorporates the two integral parts of our approach: a value driven investment style combined with a contrarian view. The aim of the contrarian value investment approach is to identify companies within the investment universe that have been neglected for the wrong reasons and which are substantially undervalued compared to their theoretical value derived from our valuation model.

In addition there is one central assumption: the idea of theoretically buying the entire company. The portfolio manager analyzes and evaluates a company as if buying the entire company rather than only shares of the company. This additional investment criterion leads to a medium and long-term view of an investment.

Contrarian value is an active, fundamental investment approach and the basis for Hans-Peter Schupp´s successful investment style leading to longterm outperformance since more than 15 years.

The Fidecum Contrarian Value Fund is the long term investment alternative to opportunistic investments and a stabilizing factor in large portfolios as it is not only a tool for diversification across asset classes but also within the equity exposure. In the past, due to its contrarian bias, it tended to generate alpha when index oriented investments struggled to outperform.

Fidecum – die Fondsmanufaktur®