We strongly believe in client focus

We are convinced that only those investment concepts are successful which can be applied independently from internal and external constraints and which remain flexible, manageable in size and model consistent. Many years of professional experience and excellence make sure that our portfolio managers consequently apply their investment concepts, rather than deviating from it by following the frequently changing slogans of the capital markets.

We understand from our clients that building and managing their portfolios is very time consuming and requires a lot of effort to select those products from the vast offering of investment funds which comply best with their specific investment requirements.

As a consequence Fidecum was created with the objective to offer specially tailored, model consistent and professionally executed investment strategies for different investment needs – all combined under one roof in order to reduce the investors effort when selecting investment funds.

Fidecum – die Fondsmanufaktur®

  • model consistent
  • highly transparent
  • long term oriented