Die Fondsmanufaktur® - the fund manufactory
We have a clear philosophy: A fund manager who cannot explain his investment strategy in simple terms probably does not have one. And if he can’t describe his investment process properly, it probably doesn’t exist either.
Funds with guaranteed transparency
Our funds have a clear cut strategic concept, available to you at any time. At your request, we provide transparent evidence of each portfolio transaction, because our adherence to strategy is not just a promise, but can be proven at any time.The Fidecum Contrarian Value Euroland Fund –
Our fund for investors who are looking to invest in significantly undervalued companies
The following pages exclusively address professional investors and advisors or comparable suitable interested parties who are classified as professional market participants under the 4th EU Directive (2004/39/EC) and who are not subject to any restriction with regard to investment fund units, e.g. due to their nationality or country of origin or residence.